Two Nods Smokey Chipotle Peanut Butter - 280g jar

Two Nods Smokey Chipotle Peanut Butter - 280g jar - Guzzl

Regular price £7.95

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Producing the best nut butters on the market - Two Nods is focused not just on creating the best product possible, but doing so with our climate, our community, and our long-term sustainability in mind.

Chipotle Peanut Butter
Make way for this bad boy. Chipotles bring a deep smoke savoury vibe to wherever they’re spread, and don’t forget about the heat. Don’t bring this one home to meet
the parents.

Hi-oleic peanuts bring creamy-ness to the forefront, a crunchy in the middle, with deep smoke and spice to round off the end. Hot, but not too hot. 

IngredientsWhole roasted peanuts, smoked chilli powder, chipotle flakes, vegetable oil, Cornish sea salt.


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