Truffle Guys Black Truffle Hot Sauce 100ml

Truffle Guys Black Truffle Hot Sauce 100ml - Guzzl

Regular price £12.99

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Introducing Our Black Truffle Hot Sauce: A Fiery Elevation of Flavour!

Elevate your culinary adventures to new heights with the sensational fusion of the world's most coveted ingredient - black truffle - and the fiery kick of scotch bonnet and cayenne chilli peppers. Our Black Truffle Hot Sauce is a gourmet masterpiece designed to awaken your taste buds and transform every meal into an unforgettable gastronomic experience.

🌶️ Scott Bonnet & Cayenne Chilli Blend

🔥 Spicy Elegance

🌍 Made With Italian Black Truffle

🎁 The Perfect Gift

🌱Vegan, Gluten Free & Vegetarian Friendly 

🍽️ Versatile Culinary Companion: Whether you're a seasoned chef or a home cook looking to impress, Our Black Truffle Hot Sauce is the perfect companion for all your favourite dishes. Drizzle it over pizzas, pasta, grilled meats, tacos, or any dish that needs a spicy, truffle-infused kick.

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